Monthly Archives: November 2009

Justice for Emma

There is a little girl who has stolen my heart. She was born half a world away to a mother that drank while she was pregnant. When this little one was born she was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which led to her being abandoned to a state-run orphanage where she received minimal care or attention, and no specialized care to help with the issues of FAS. It was not this little girl who sinned; she did nothing to bring this on herself, and yet she is the one who is suffering. That’s not how things are supposed to work in the economy of God; it is injustice.

God’s plan to bring justice into this little one’s life began earlier this year when a loving couple from the US traveled halfway around the world to adopt her into their family, and raise her in love and the knowledge of God. Just this week doctors in the US confirmed the diagnosis of FAS. We had prayed the original diagnosis would be wrong, but that was not to be. She has suffered much in her short three years of life, but God has a plan.

I can’t say I know exactly what God has in store for this little one, but I know that it is good. Before taking the trip to adopt the little girl, God whispered to her momma what to name the child. As she bowed at the altar before God, she heard, “Emma,” which means “total and complete restoration”.  I believe there is a miracle of total and complete restoration for Emma. The One who named her will not abandon her now. She needs advocates before the throne, to approach the Ancient of Days in confidence and request justice on her behalf. Please join me in praying for Emma, that God would fulfill what He says about Himself in Deuteronomy 10:17-18–

  • “For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow….”

And also Psalms 37:28–

  • For the LORD loves justice, And does not forsake His saints;


Filed under adoption, God's Love and Mercy, Social Justice