Monthly Archives: December 2020

This Christmas, Prepare your Kids to Receive Grace

As Christian parents, our primary goals are to raise kids who are safe, healthy, and give their hearts to Jesus. How we celebrate Christmas can either help or hinder that last goal.

One of the most common secular stories told around Christmas is that if you’re good enough, you’ll get presents. Some find it a fun story, and it can certainly help keep kids in line if they are getting out of control due to anticipation and a sugar rush. However, in all of the stories and fun that can surround Christmas we want to make sure our kids don’t pick up the idea that they have to earn favor with us or with God. Romans 3:23-24 says: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” In other words, we all mess up, but we can be accepted by God because of Jesus’ sacrifice. We don’t have to add anything to what Jesus did for us in order to be loved by God, and if we put our trust in Jesus we are accepted by Him regardless of our shortcomings.

So what does it look like to bring this understanding to our Christmas celebrations? In practical terms it looks a lot the same, with a tweak. Instead of saying “You won’t get presents if you don’t clean up your room,” say “Clean up your room.” Simple as that. We are able to train our kids without threats of removing our love or favor the rest of the year, so let’s do it that way during December, as well. To be clear, this is different from discipline, such as taking away a child’s iPad privileges for a time. That is a direct, instant consequence of their decision to disobey the family rules. The Christmas Threat says “If you’re not good enough, you won’t have favor. You won’t get what everyone else has. You’ll be left out.”

This Christmas, let’s teach our kids about grace. That even though they mess up, we still love them. Let’s set them up for success in the Kingdom of God by teaching them that gifts are given for free, out of love. After all, that’s what Jesus would do. In fact, it’s what he did.

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